Sheridan Institute of Higher Education

Cricos Provider Code
RTO Code
506 508 071
22 506 508 071
Institution Type
Higher Education Provider
Established Year
Total Students Number
Qualification Level
Bachelor, Diploma, Masters, Postgraduate


Sheridan Institute of Higher Education is the higher education initiative of Australian Baptist Education Inc (ABE). The name “Sheridan” is derived from the Celtic “sirideán”, which means “seeker” or “searcher”, and was frequently used in the context of seeking truth or wisdom. Historically, the directors of ABE have been pursuing the development of a Baptist higher education provider in Perth for over 20 years. In 2000, an exploratory committee was established to examine the feasibility of starting a new university in Western Australia. The committee was later dissolved. In 2005, “Sheridan College” was registered as a business name. In 2010, Sheridan College Inc. was registered as a not-for-profit incorporated association. In 2014, Sheridan College was registered as a higher education provider with the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and accredited to deliver a Graduate Certificate of Business Administration (GradCertBA) and a Graduate Diploma of Business Administration (GradDipBA). In 2016, Sheridan College was accredited by TEQSA to deliver a Master of Education, a Graduate Certificate of Education and three undergraduate diplomas - Diploma of Arts (DipA), Diploma of Business (DipBus) and Diploma of Science (DipSc). In 2017, Sheridan College was accredited by TEQSA to deliver a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Business. In 2019, Sheridan College's registration was renewed by TEQSA. In 2020, Sheridan College changed its trading name to Sheridan Institute of Higher Education. Our Core Purpose To offer higher education to those who are seeking to live an extraordinary life. To this end, the Sheridan Institute of Higher Education will inspire its students to love truth, seek wisdom, embrace innovation and become instruments of peace in the world. Core Values In interpreting its responsibility to faithfully steward Sheridan Institute of Higher Education in the fulfilment of its mission, the Board upholds the following values: Adding Value to Society The Board believes that Sheridan Institute of Higher Education will enrich the broader community through (1) innovative education, scholarship and research that advances knowledge and produces graduates who will be faithful stewards of the world’s resources, (2) a presentation of the Christian message which provides an opportunity for students to be reconciled with their Creator, and (3) modeling a community that images God’s infinite, unconditional love. Nurturing and Cherishing Christian Educators The Board recognises that Christian educators are the most important resource of a Baptist educational institution. Sheridan Institute of Higher Education invites committed Christian scholars into an intellectual community that shares those beliefs common to evangelical Christian denominations. One of the reasons the Institute of Higher Education has been established is to serve as an authentic platform for Christian scholars to engage in lines of intellectual inquiry grounded in the Christian faith. The Board is committed to preserving the Institute of Higher Education’s evangelical Christian ethos by recruiting Christian educators and satisfactorily providing for their personal and professional wellbeing. Protecting Freedoms Early Baptists were fierce advocates for religious liberty and freedom of conscience. Reflecting this rich heritage, the Board promotes the political, economic, social, religious and academic freedoms enjoyed by both women and men in democratic societies. The Board understands the historical emergence of these freedoms and the quality of life that has resulted from them to be a work of common grace, and a precious, if incomplete, picture of the true reality of freedom that is found in Christ. Serving with Integrity The Board promotes the principles of servant leadership in the Institute of Higher Education, emphasising the importance of humility and personal integrity in all the Institute of Higher Education’s activities and interactions. Practising Hospitality The Board practices and upholds the Christian virtue of hospitality. The Institute of Higher Education will maintain low barriers to entry, including low tuition fees and open enrolment, and will provide a safe physical and social environment for expressing personal convictions and for studying, researching and discussing ideas without fear of personal abuse or discrimination.


Showing 10 of 18 results

Course Code Course Name Campus Location
BA Bachelor of Arts Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
BA Bachelor of Arts Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
DipA Diploma of Arts Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
DipA Diploma of Arts Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
BBus Bachelor of Business Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
BBus Bachelor of Business Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
MEd Master of Education Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
MEd Master of Education Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
GradDipBA Graduate Diploma of Business Administration Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia
GradDipBA Graduate Diploma of Business Administration Perth WA, Western Australia, Australia

Campus Location

Perth South Wing Building
Phone +61 (08) 6222 4222
Perth West Wing Building
Phone +61 (08) 6222 4222
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