Diploma of Information Technology

Course Code:
Qualification Level:
Course Area:
Information Technology
Study Mode:
Full Time
Course Fees:
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Delivery Mode:
On Campus
Domestic, International

Course Overview

ICT50220 – Diploma of Information Technology provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to administer and manage information and communications technology (ICT) support in small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) using a wide range of general ICT technologies.
Persons working at this level provide a broader rather than specialised ICT support function, applying a wide range of higher level technical skills in ICT areas such as networking, IT support, database development, programming and web development.

Course Structure

The following 20 units of competency must be completed to achieve this qualification:

Core Units

  1. BSBCRT512 Originate and develop concepts
  2. BSBXCS402 Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices
  3. BSBXTW401 Lead and facilitate a team
  4. ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the organisation
  5. ICTICT532 Apply IP, ethics and privacy policies in ICT environments
  6. ICTSAS527 Manage client problems

Elective Units

  1. ICTSAD609 Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment
  2. ICTICT608 Interact with clients on a business level
  3. ICTICT618 Manage IP, ethics, and privacy in ICT environments
  4. ICTPRG549 Apply intermediate object-oriented language skills
  5. ICTNWK539 Design and implement integrated server solutions
  6. ICTNWK542 Install, operate and troubleshoot medium enterprise routers
  7. ICTNWK543 Install, operate and troubleshoot medium enterprise switches
  8. ICTNWK540 Design, build and test network servers
  9. ICTWEB513 Build dynamic websites
  10. ICTWEB441 Produce basic client-side script
  11. ICTPMG505 Manage ICT projects
  12. ICTDBS506 Design databases
  13. ICTSAS524 Develop, implement and evaluate an incident response plan
  14. ICTSAS506 Update ICT system operational procedures

Entry Requirement

Admission Requirements
Academic Entry Requirements Successful completion of Australian Year 12 or equivalent.
Language Requirement
IELTS Score (Minimum) A minimum of IELTS 5.5 or equivalent is required.


  • Dip IT + Ad.Dip IT

Career Opportunities

Potential career opportunities include:

  • IT Office Manager
  • General Application Support Officer

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