Business Analytics(BBA)

Course Code:
Qualification Level:
Course Area:
Management and Commerce
Study Mode:
Full Time
Montrose, Colorado, United States of America
Course Fee:
USD 21,000 - 25,000 Per Course
Delivery Mode:
On Campus

Course Overview

The Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Analytics prepares students for a career in data gathering, data cleansing, data analysis and data visualization in support of business decisions. The BBA in business analytics includes coursework in quantitative decision making, data mining and visualization, big data, and incorporates multiple software tools in demand by the industry.

In an increasingly data driven world, the data analyst has become an integral member of the business leadership team. Our students have held internships with businesses such as Alpine Bank, where they work with fraud detection teams, and Quality Health Networks, where they work on data aggregation in a medical records environment.

Course Structure

CISB 205: Advanced Business Software

ENGL 111: English Composition I-GTCO1

MATH 113: College Algebra-GTMA1

Essential Learning - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Essential Learning - Fine Arts

ENGL 112: English Composition II-GTCO2

CISB/STAT 241: Introduction to Business Analysis

CISB 210: Fundamentals of Information Systems

KINE 100: Health and Wellness

KINA Activity

Essential Learning - Natural Science with Lab

ACCT 201: Principles of Financial Accounting

ECON 201: Principles of Macroeconomics-GTSS1

BUGB 211: Business Communications

BUGB 231: Survey of Business Law

Essential Learning - History

ACCT 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting

ECON 202: Principles of Microeconomics-GTSS1

MANG 201: Principles of Management

ESSL 290: Maverick Milestone

ESSL 200: Essential Speech

Essential Learning - Humanities

MARK 231: Principles of Marketing

CISB 305: Solving Problems Using Spreadsheets

CISB 341: Quantitative Decision Making

Essential Learning - Natural Science

HRMA 371: Human Resource Management

FINA 301: Managerial Finance

MANG 301: Organizational Behavior

CISB 306: Solving Problems Using Databases

General Elective

BUGB 440: Business Ethics

CISB 342: Data Mining and Visualization

CISB 343: Big Data Analytics

MANG 471: Operations Management

ECON 415: Econometrics

MANG 491: Business Strategy

General Electives

Entry Requirement

Admission Requirements
Academic Entry Requirements Submit a transcript in English from the last (or current) high school/secondary school attended.
For admission review, an official or unofficial transcript may be submitted.
At the time of enrollment, a final and official transcript must be submitted.
  • A transcript is considered "official" only if imprinted with the issuing institution's official seal or is a certified true copy; or is mailed or emailed by the school directly to the university.
An applicant with college or university classes should refer to the requirements for Transfer Students. Official high school transcripts must be submitted by transfer students only if less than 24 U.S. equivalent credit hours of college-level coursework have been completed.
High-achieving students with a U.S. equivalent GPA of 3.0 or higher qualify for the CMU International Student Merit Scholarship, valued at $4,500 per semester/$9,000 per year.
Official transcripts may be emailed directly from the secondary/high school to

Funding Options
Domestic Funding Options Applicants must show proof of funds to cover at least the estimated expenses to both live and study in the U.S. for one full academic year. Please submit proof of funding with a valid bank statement(s). If an applicant has more than one source of funding, an official bank statement for each person/source must be submitted. A financial bank statement is only "official" if it is on organization letterhead with the amount clearly displayed. Other or additional documentation may be accepted and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Expenses will vary based on credit hour enrollment, living arrangements, major, marital status and lifestyle. Applicants who are married or that have dependents must submit an additional $5,000 for a spouse and $4,000 per child.
Students who qualify for the International Student Merit Scholarship (see information under International Student Admission Requirements), may deduct that amount from the total proof of funding requirement. 
Language Requirement
IELTS Score (Minimum) 6
TOEFL-IBT Score (Minimum) 70

Career Opportunities

  • Data steward
  • Data scientist
  • Data analyst
  • Data quality analyst
  • Business data analyst
  • Quantitative analyst

These jobs offer good pay and interesting work that is always fluctuating and evolving as data is being collected at unprecedented rates. Current projections show a shortage of 1.5 million data workers in the U.S. job market.

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