Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Course Code:
Qualification Level:
Course Area:
Health and Medicine
Study Mode:
Part Time, Full Time
Kansas City, United States of America
Course Fee:
USD 40,200 Per Year
Delivery Mode:
On Campus

Course Overview

Students complete core courses in statistics, research methods, lifespan development, social psychology, and cognition to establish psychological literacy. Students also complete an upper level psychology elective and a senior seminar capstone.

With a blend of theory and application, the curriculum develops analytical skills, critical thinking, and capacities to understand diverse psychological phenomena.

Course Structure

Required Core Courses

Psychology majors must take the following liberal arts core courses regardless of whether the core is otherwise met:

Liberal Arts, Mathematics:

MA 155 Elementary Probability & Statistics (3) (recommended)

Liberal Arts, Social Science:

PY 101 General Psychology (3)

Core Designations

Psychology majors will meet 3-hours of Community Engagement in PY 485 and 3-hours of Interdisciplinary Studies requirements in IS 350.

Psychology Core Requirements (27 - 30 credit hours)

EN 112 - Composition II: Rhetorical Argument (3) (unless taken for Core credit)

PY 208 - Lifespan Development (3)

PY 216 - Social Psychology (3)

PY 224 - Psychology of Communication (3)

PY 261 - Psychological Statistics & Methods I (3)

PY 262 - Psychological Statistics & Methods II (3)

PY 371 - Cognitive Psychology (3)

PY 425 - Senior Seminar in Psychology (3)

One upper division PY elective course (3)

Choose One of the Following:

PY 102 - Orientation Seminar in Psychology (3)

CO 212 - Conflict Resolution (3)

Psychology Concentrations

Students must choose one of the following concentrations to complete their degree.

General Psychology Concentration (15 credit hours)

PY 485 - Field Experience in Psychology (3)

12 credit hours of Psychology Electives, with at least 6 credit hours 300 level or higher

Cognitive Science Concentration (17-20 credit hours)

IS 301 - Minds (3)

IS 350 - Behavior & the Brain (3)

PY 297 - Research Experience I (1) (2 credit hours) or

PY 497 - Research Experience II (1) (2 credit hours)

Choose one option:

EN 213 - Writing with Style (3)

EN 350 - Rhetorical Theory (3)

PL 113 - Critical Reasoning (3)

PL 224 - Robots, Machines, & Humans (3)

Choose one option:

CG 499 - Readings in Cognitive Science (3) and

PY 485 - Field Experience in Psychology (3)


PY 498 - Senior Thesis (3) (must be taken twice)

Mental Health Concentration (15 credit hours)


Entry Requirement

Language Requirement
IELTS Score (Minimum) 5.0
TOEFL-IBT Score (Minimum) 61
English Language Requirements Duolingo score of 90 or higher
Other approved English Language test or program with score consistent with above approved scores.
Applicants with a secondary school education from an institution where the language of instruction is English, as indicated on a transcript.

Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

  • Counselor
  • Behavioral Health Technician
  • Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Case Manager

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