We know that staying focused and concentrated on the tasks we are doing is often difficult. Not only because of the amount of distractions we have around us (such as the cell phone, computer, flatmates, street sounds, flies flying around the house!) but also because our mind is going a mile a minute (whether we should buy dinner for tonight, whether we have to see a friend on the weekend, whether we should call our parents, etc.). Although there are many reasons that make us move away from our goal - finishing our task - there are many tips you can focus on and achieve it.
Today I will share with you some tips that we found interesting and useful and that we hope you can put into practice! And remember, at the end of the day, the greatest productivity tip of all is to do the work. I know that’s hard to hear and even harder to do, but there is no productivity without action.

1. Do one thing at a time (don’t multitask)
Increase your productivity by doing one thing at a time.
Multitasking is a myth, it’s nonsense to attempt, and it makes simple tasks take much longer than they need to. Complete one homework assignment before moving onto the next. Also, let’s stop thinking you can watch a movie at the same time you’re doing your homework… that’s nonsense for productivity.
2. Plan to do things – don’t be random
Productive students plan to be productive. They know what their afternoons looks like and they schedule homework time like an actual event. Leaving things to occur randomly is not a productivity strategy.
3. Set up your environment
Our external environment has a greater impact on our inner environment (mental state) than we realize. If you workspace is cluttered or contains stimulating objects not related to your schoolwork, your productivity is going to tank. Here are my three guides to setting up your workspace according to your learning styles.
4. Put the phone away
I know you know this one. It just boggles my mind how strongly students fight the reality that phones destroy focus. Don’t even put the phone upside down – that’s not enough because the phone itself IS the visual trigger. You need to put the darn thing in another room.
5. Shut the tabs down
You should only keep tabs open for websites you need to do your assignments. Leaving tabs open to all the “fun” stuff while you’re working is self-sabotage.
6. Don’t wait for motivation
Motivation is overrated. It’s neat and cool when we have it, but we absolutely must not rely on motivation to get things done. We will never be motivated all the time, and that’s reality. So instead of waiting to be motivated before we get productive, start getting productive and motivation will follow.
7. Start long-term assignments earlier than you want to
Productive students start long-term assignments like essays and projects way sooner than they want to. By starting long-term assignments as early as possible (the day they’re assigned, preferably), you avoid procrastination. As you know, procrastination is a productivity killer.
8.Start studying earlier than you want to
Most people don’t LOVE to study. And most people put off studying until the last minute (because it’s unenjoyable). But productive students don’t let feelings get in the way, and they begin preparing for tests well in advance. I suggest you begin studying at least 5 days out. Here’s my 5-day study schedule that shows you exactly how.